User:Vitamove Back Pain Relief Review 21

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As a chiropractor I daily work on INCREASING the frequency of Vitamove Back Pain Relief firing of the joint mechanoreceptors, increasing firing of the 1A fibers, which inhibits transmission to the C fibers all leading to a decrease in pain! Clear as mud right? OK lets bring it out of Neurology 101 and back to the pain you have in your neck. Many times that pain is due to the joints not works properly which irritates the pain nerves. As a chiropractor I work on getting the joints of the neck working right which takes the irritation away from the nerves.

This is the neurological reason why the chiropractic adjustment works as well as it does. When you ride your bike do you experience tingling, numbness or pain in your arm, wrist, hand or fingers? It is estimated that one third of repetitive stress injuries in cycling involve the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve at the wrist) is one of the most common. Proper positioning and wearing the correct gear may prevent these injuries from occurring.

A very common problem I see in my chiropractic practice is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It wouldn't surprise me if you know someone yourself that suffers from CTS. Several thousand people annually undergo carpal tunnel surgery. Even though CTS is a very common disorder, doctors still have very little understanding about what causes CTS and what can be done to prevent it.