User:Ground Power Generator Review 9

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President Obama's energy plan was a great Ground Power Generator start to getting the country on the right track with the environment and our energy consumption but unfortunately the plan is being held up in congress. The plan outlined ways to reduce our nation's reliance on fossil fuels and create new jobs in green industries.

One of the main goals of the plan was to get twenty-five percent of our power from renewable, alternative energy by the year 2025 and to reduce carbon emissions by eighty percent by 2050. Another reachable goal is to bring the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. These goals are achieved by installing a cap and trade program for carbon emissions.

The premise of the program would be mandated government caps on emissions; the cap would be based on allowances that would be bought in auctions. The companies who need higher allowances will have to pay for their emissions instead of just being given the right to pollute. Companies that have reduced their emissions can sell their allowance to other companies stimulating the market between businesses. Part of the revenue the government earns in these auctions will be put directly into research and technology for alternative energy strategies.