User:StrictionBP Review 26

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Tracking your glucose levels over time lets you see when you fall StrictionBP under or climb over your target ranges. Keeping a food diary and activity log will enable you to correlate what causes sudden highs or lows so you can adjust accordingly. Everyone's glucose tolerance is different, and figuring out the right balance of different foods can involve some trial and error.

Carry a small notebook in your testing kit to make notes throughout the day, and transfer your notes to a comprehensive ledger every night. You should record the date, time and result of each test, write down exactly when, what and how much you eat, and note the time and type of any physical activity. Soon you will begin to see patterns appear, and you can refine your habits to maintain a steady sugar level.

You'll also learn to correlate feelings of dizziness, nausea, irritability or weakness with spikes or drops in blood sugar. As your body settles into a stable routine and you learn what works for you, you may be able to cut back on testing to just a couple of times a day, or when you experience side effects that let you know something is wrong.