User:StrictionBP Review 29

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A pre diabetes diet can ensure that an initial diabetic StrictionBP condition does not worsen into the more serious type 2 stage of the illness. It is believed that by controlling diet in the right way, blood glucose level can be lowered to an extent that it becomes near normal. If the dietary regime is adhered to alongside regular exercise, it can be possible for the symptoms of the condition to disappear in their entirety.

There are certain food types that are omitted from this dietary plan. This includes an excess of fat, sugar, concentrated carbohydrate, and simple carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrates include items such as cakes, candy, pastry, jam, and sodas. These carbohydrates provide the body with an excessive amount of calories which can worsen diabetic symptoms such as weight gain.

To ensure a balanced energy level, it is important to eat non starchy carbohydrates such as fruits. Leafy vegetables are also beneficial for this plan, this includes lettuce, kale, and spinach. It is suggested that cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and celery can also be a good choice for individuals with mild diabetes.