Factions are groups of characters that share a common purpose.
There are a lot of major and minor factions in Underrail, each of which can initially be either hostile to the player (such as Gangsters, Raiders, Bandits) or neutral (Protectorate, Tchortists etc.), but their attitude may change during the story due to the player's actions. The player character begins the game, and normally stays, allied to South Gaters.
Player faction choices
Over the course of the game, the protagonist may help or even join certain mutually exclusive rival factions: Taking side in Junkyard gang war (Scrappers or Black Eels), working for one of Core City's major corporations and oligarchs (JKK, Coretech or Praetorian Security) or taking part in the conflict between expansionist Protectorate and Free Drone anarchists. The player will also have to decide how to deal with The Faceless, a mysterious group of dangerous but not necessarily hostile dwellers of the Deep Caverns. Inquisitive and observant players may also find themselves presented the opportunity to join a mysterious society during their travels.
In the Underrail: Expedition expansion, the player may side with the titular Expedition or Grim Jetter pirates while exploring the Black Sea. The violent and primitive Sørmirbæren cannot be reasoned with (except the curiously isolationist Yngwar.) They will attack you on sight.
Game mechanics
The factions presented in this wiki (infoboxes, articles) are presented from story point of view. The technical factions controlling attitudes between characters are more complex. The baseline of how faction relations work is simple: If hostilities emerge between two characters (be it PC and NPC or two NPCs), their whole factions are now hostile to each other.
Everything else is an exception, and the two main exceptions are zone control rules and splitting characters into smaller factions.
- Zone Control
- Uncontrolled and Partially Controlled Zones — Allow assassination with traps without propagating hostilities.
- Leave No Witnesses — Hostility propagation is delayed until you leave the zone, killing everyone prevents it.
- Security Camera Footage — Delayed hostilities just from being seen in camera footage.
Technical faction list
The simple hostility propagation means that characters often cannot always be a member of the faction you would expect. There are lots of small factions.
Technical faction list (Underrail + Expedition) | |
Internal name | Notes |
player | The player character |
playerHouse | Player house defenses - cameras, turrets, sentries |
doppelgangers | |
ragers | Enraged NPCs |
southGateStation | South Gate Station |
southGateStation_animals | |
southGateStation_dogs | |
sgs_bret | |
sgs_lenox | |
bandits | |
watchers | Oculites |
junkyard_commoners | |
junkyard_commoners_protected | |
junkyard_store1 | |
junkyard_store2 | |
junkyard_thugs1 | |
junkyard_thugs2 | |
jy_house1 | |
jy_house1b | |
jy_house2 | |
jy_house3 | |
jy_grover | |
jy_treasa | |
jy_elwood | |
jy_maura | |
junkyard_tavern | |
scrappers1 | Scrappers |
blackEels1 | Black Eels |
blackEels2 | |
blackEelsJetPatrols | |
junkyard_gambling_house | |
junkyard_elwoods_house | |
old_junkyard_muties | |
old_junkyard_dogs | |
old_junkyard_turrets | |
old_junkyard_mutants | |
old_junkyard_mutantDogs | |
old_junkyard_robots | |
old_junkyard_wyatt | |
old_junkyard_wyatt_dogs | |
junkyard_tunnels_cliff | |
junkyard_tunnels_jenny | |
hostile_bandits | |
monsters | |
kamikazes | |
lakeGame | Cave Hoppers |
rathoundPack | |
bladelings | |
psiBeetles | |
burrowers | |
crabs | |
coilSpiders | |
crawlers | |
destructables | Rocks |
neutral | |
fls_ratking | M'lan Ratula, not Rathound King |
gms_l2_sentries | |
gms_l2_cameras | |
gms_intruders | |
gms_intruders2 | |
gms_hostage | |
gms_citizens | |
gms_turret_on | |
gms_turret_off | |
protectorate | Protectorate |
protectorate_patrol | |
protectorate_outposts_cvw | |
protectorate_jetPatrols | |
protectorate_junkyard | |
protectorate_junkyard_prison | |
protectorate_junkyard_doctor | |
protectorate_junkyard_cameras | |
protectorate_coreCity | |
protectorate_envoy | |
protectorate_envoy_escort | |
protectorate_junkyard_ambush | |
protectorate_epione | |
protectorate_epione_cameras | |
protectorate_renegade | |
protectorate_dogs | |
protectorate_pirateRaidShip | |
watchers_junkyard | |
blaine_shop | Blaine |
lu_lunatics | |
lu_lunatics_dogs | |
lu_lurkers | |
lu_lurker_butcher | |
lu_lurkers_dogs | |
lu_ironheads | |
lu_ironheads_dogs | |
arena_dogA | Lurker Base dog pit |
arena_dogB | Lurker Base dog pit |
lu_lurkers_barricade1 | |
lu_lurker_prisoners | |
lu_lurker_prisoners_freed | |
lu_raf_machines | |
lu_abandoned_warehouse | |
cc_patrol | |
faceless | Faceless |
faceless_rathounds | |
faceless_coreInvaders | |
faceless_buzzersShop | |
faceless_westWing | |
faceless_deepCaverns | |
faceless_deepCaverns_rathounds | |
faceless_patrol | |
faceless_patrol_rathounds | |
railCrossing | Rail Crossing |
railCrossing_doge | |
railCrossing_SecretShop | |
railCrossing_BuzzersShop | |
LostVault_Traders | |
HangingRat_Bar | Hanging Rat |
caves_Milton | |
campHathor | Camp Hathor |
campHathor_animals | |
campHathor_sarine | |
campHathor_becks_expedition | |
campHathor_edgars_expedition | |
rathoundKing | |
foundry | Foundry |
foundry_prison | |
foundry_patrol | |
foundry_prison_innercams | |
foundry_inmates | |
foundry_slums | |
fo_bunker_turret_off | |
fo_bunker_turret_on | |
foundry_evelyn | |
foundry_bandits | |
faceless_fo | |
foundry_hugo | |
faceless_fo_rathounds | |
free_drones | Free Drones |
free_drones_animals | |
free_drone_squad | |
free_drones_bate | |
foundry_the_chosen_few | |
fo_watchers | |
coreCity | Core City |
coreCity_animals | |
coreCity_zoners | |
coreCity_zonerGang | |
coreCity_zonerGang_dogs | |
coreCity_muggers | |
coreCity_guards | |
coreCity_ditch | |
coreCity_moe | |
coreCity_sergio | |
coreCity_junkies | |
coreCity_duffsGang | |
coreCity_zaman | |
coreCity_hardcoreBar | |
coreCity_zoneRats | |
coreCity_muties | |
coreCity_mercenaries | |
coreCity_coretech | CoreTech |
coreCity_praetorianSecurity | Praetorian Security |
coreCity_JKK | JKK |
coreCity_Duff | |
coreCity_coretech_warehouse | CoreTech |
coreCity_warehouseMercenaries | |
coreCity_sewerMutieCamp | |
coreCity_warehouseSentry | |
coreCity_blackCrawlers | |
coreCity_acidHunters | Acid Hunters |
coreCity_ResearchFacilityRobots | |
tchortists_coreCity | Tchortists |
coreCity_taloski_manor | |
coreCity_taloski_outside | |
coreCity_taloski_animals | |
coreCity_taloski_wit | |
coreCity_zoneBoyz | |
up_bandit_agr | |
up_bandit | |
up_bandit_dogs | |
up_motioner | |
up_scavengers | |
arena_challengers | |
arena_enemies | |
RahmUmbra | |
tchortists | Tchortists |
tchortists_patrol | Tchortists |
tchortists_nevil | Tchortists |
tchortists_reject | Tchortists |
tchortists_beetle | Tchortists |
tchortists_mateo | |
tchortists_animals | |
university_commoners | |
jgi_sisters | |
dc_irisBots | |
dc_labBot | |
dc_irisBots_final | |
tchortists_deepCaverns | |
tchortists_deepCaverns_captured | |
dc_tchortlings | |
dc_lora | |
dc_leo | |
global_commoners | |
global_jetskiers | |
global_gangsters | |
femmeFatale | |
ardasGangsters | |
strayCats1 | |
strayCats2 | |
ibAndSons | |
ibAndSons_hoppers | |
utilityBots | |
dun_wasteWater | |
dun_wasteWater_slaves | |
dun_wasteWater_cameras | |
blackLake_muties | |
westerners_MilitaryBase | |
westerners_MilitaryBase_dogs | |
dudesCats | |
dude | |
pirates | |
pirates_crag | |
pirates_jetSki | |
pirates_outskirts | |
pirates_animals | |
pirates_raid | |
sormirbaren | Sørmirbæren |
sormirbaren_king | Sørmirbæren |
sormirbaren_civilians | Sørmirbæren |
sormirbaren_cattle | Sørmirbæren |
sormirbaren_bulls | Sørmirbæren |
sormirbaren_yngwar | Yngwar |
todd | |
ethan_enraged | |
expedition_security | [[[Expedition]] |
expedition_staff | [[[Expedition]] |
expedition_security_jetSki | [[[Expedition]] |
expedition_captured_oldfield | [[[Expedition]] |
lemuria_servants | |
lemuria_cameras | |
lemuria_allied | |
ferryman | Ferryman |
sea_serpents | |
striders | |
rig_tavern | |
rig_blackEel_guards | |
rig_blackEel_animals | |
rig_blackEel_workers | |
merchantFerry_pirateRaid |