Psi abilities

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Psionic abilities can be seen as Underrail's equivalent of magic, game mechanics-wise. They're combat abilities that require psi points to use.

Psi mechanics

As of version, all characters with Psi Empathy have 100 max psi points, regardless of Will score. Will still determines effectiveness of psionic abilities, both their damage and chance to be resisted.

As of version, psi point regeneration scales with Will and Intelligence: psi regen = 5 + (will+int)/2.


Alpha versions prior to had no psi regeneration. Instead, will score determined max psi points. The changes were made to make psi cost more relevant when choosing what to invoke. Abilities that were meant to be used as primary attacks have a low cost and can be spammed without running out of psi. However, high impact abilities can run you out of psi quickly.[1]


Due to a recent genetic mutation, humans in Underrail have varying levels of psionic potential. No one is really sure how this genetic trait came to be, but research indicates that it is a relatively recent genetic mutation. However - it seems to be artificially designed mutation, since so many things about the mutation are just too complex and convenient to be random ones. Hal Roche argued the countrary, believing the mutation would've been way too complex to engineer with existing technology.

The player character also has this psionic potential, but it must be unlocked early on in the game by taking a pill that disables your brain's psionic inhibitor, thus granting you Psi Empathy. There is also the option of not taking the pill at all, leaving your character without any psionic abilities.

Some creatures and plants also have varying degrees of psionic mutations, such as the common Lacesso Gigantus mushrooms and psionic Azuridae beetles. Other forms of psionic mutations also exist in the Underrail, such as some rare psi enhanced polymorphic organisms.

Psionic disciplines

Psi powers are split into 3 distinct disciplines — Thought Control, Psychokinesis and Metathermics.

Unlike most other weapons, offensive psionic abilities cannot miss their targets unless otherwise specified.

Certain offensive psionic abilities can be cast through fences and gates, while others cannot. For example, Electrokinesis and Electrokinetic Imprint can be cast through a fence; while Cryokinesis and Pyrokinesis cannot.

Thought Control

Main article: Thought Control

Thought control discipline consists of manipulating the minds of living targets, such as overloading their brains, making them flee in fear or attack everything in blind rage.


Main article: Psychokinesis

The Psychokinesis discipline is similar to telekinesis with additional electric powers. It can also be used to enhance unarmed attacks. Offensive psychokinetic abilities deal Mechanical or Electricity damage and may also stun targets.


Main article: Metathermics

Metathermics, also known as Thermal Control is the area of psionic development that deals with instigating rapid temperature changes and chemical reactions.

Psionic trainers

There are two primary ways of learning new psionic abilities: either have a skilled psionic teach you, or use cebebral imprinting technology in the form of a Psionic Mentor device.

There is a trainer of each psionic discipline in South Gate Station.

  • Ezra is the thought control trainer. He can be found on the SGS level 7 cyber labs.
  • Bisson is the psychokinesis trainer. He can be found on the SGS station platform or at the gym on the medical level.
  • Quinton is the metathermics trainer. He can be found on the SGS agronomy level.

Several traders have Psionic Mentors for sale.

You can also learn Bilocation from the Mysterious Pillars in Silent Isle. Another set of Mysterious Pillars can be found in Core City Sewers during Praetorian Security questline.