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Revision as of 12:50, 12 October 2023 by PaposikG6 (talk | contribs)
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Sewer.png Kiril withmask l.png
300 (+97)


Location Core City Sewers
Kirill's Laboratory
Abilities Cerebral Trauma
Exothermic Aura
Mental Subversion
Neural Overload
Plasma Beam
Psionic Mania
Pyrokinetic Stream
Combat Stats
Combat Stats Level: 30
Action Points: 50
Initiative: 13
Base Abilities Strength: 5
Dexterity: 4
Agility: 4
Constitution: 6
Perception: 7
Will: 17
Intelligence: 18
v · d · e

Sewer.png Kiril maskdown l.png
300 (+97)


Location Core City Sewers
Kirill's Laboratory
Abilities Cerebral Trauma
Exothermic Aura
Mental Subversion
Neural Overload
Plasma Beam
Psionic Mania
Pyrokinetic Stream
Combat Stats
Combat Stats Level: 30
Action Points: 50
Initiative: 13
Base Abilities Strength: 5
Dexterity: 4
Agility: 4
Constitution: 6
Perception: 7
Will: 17
Intelligence: 18
v · d · e

Kharon is a robed old man leading the Muties from across the Underrail to the Mutie Refuge. He is an extremely powerful heat-based Metathermics user and possesses certain skill in Thought Control as well.

Player Interactions

He is only reachable by being a mutant, and cannot be encountered in a normal playthrough. He will task the player to kill all the Muties inside his laboratory. On the way there, the player will run into an acidic river that will melt every item in possession save for plot items.

Siding with Kharon

If all the Muties are dead, Kharon will end up inspecting the player's plot items, with unique interactions for the Mysterious Disk, the Ethereal Torch and the ACoNR.

Siding against Kharon

If the player sides against him, he will come to his Laboratory and start attacking all the Muties and the player with Pyrokinetic Stream and Pyrokinesis, which due to his extremely high MT value as well as Pyromaniac is enough to kill anyone in one turn.

Kharon's past

Long time ago, he was known as Kirill 'Vovin' Gavrilyuk, an Apex Technocrat of Old Biocorp. According to some records, of all Apex Technocrats, Kirill held the most power and many projects that took place in years leading to the Biocorp fallout were undertaken on his command. In the aftermath of Hollow Earth Incident, he was removed from power but managed to escape and was never apprehended. Over a hundred years ago he accompanied Anton Matveev in releasing the Mutagen in Old Junkyard, also becoming exposed to it in the process. To this day he is still experimenting on Mutants for unknown reasons.